Saturday, May 28, 2016

Just A Little Foodporn

For your viewing pleasure.

I drove up to the city for lunch with My bestie today. We decided Panera sounded good.

I don't take a lot of selfies, but I look too damn fine today to miss this opportunity.

Red matte lip to match My blouse
Get down on your knees and give thanks for My existence. Show your gratitude with a tribute. Want to know how you can pay for My dates and send Me clothes, lipstick or other gifts? Read all about how to serve Me here. I give extra rewards to good little pets who fund My lifestyle.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Second Life Problems

If you've been reading My blog for more than a minute, you've figured out by now that I'm a big nerd. One of My favorite addictions is Second Life, or SL for short. I've been involved in it for years and addiction really is the best way to describe it. I have to force Myself to take breaks from it or I'll get completely sucked in for days and won't get anything else done.

SL is one of My favorite ways to engage in domination online. Yet another way to make you losers grovel for Me. Although I don't have time to devote to membership in a lifestyle BDSM sim, I often work at adult clubs when I'm on the grid. The nice thing about SL is that, despite being a virtual world, it has a real economy. People can and do make a living from selling items or services and then converting the in-world currency for USD via PayPal.

Playing one of My favorite games while draining your wallet? It doesn't get better than this.

However, a couple of years ago the creators of SL, Linden Labs, released something called "mesh." I'm not technologically inclined, so I can't adequately explain how it works, but it allows designers to create clothing, buildings, and even avatar bodies that have more realistic shapes without the blocky, pixelated look of years past without increasing the load on the servers, which creates lag.

I hate mesh. I mean I really HATE mesh.

The problem with mesh is that it doesn't always fit classic avatar bodies. Either body parts show through clothing or else there are big gaps between the clothing and the avatar. Either way, it looks like crap. Then designers started creating mesh bodies and those were even worse. Thank goodness for free demo versions so I didn't end up wasting money on a product that made My avatar look bloated or like she'd been implanted with too much silicone. Don't even get Me started on how shitty the joining points at neck, wrists, and ankles look or how much of a pain in the ass it is to try to match skin tones if you're wearing hands, feet, head or skin by a designer other than the one that created your body.

Unfortunately, mesh has been a thing for long enough that designers have figured out how to make avatar bodies that look like a normal human instead of a deformed cow. That's nice and all, but it also means that adult clubs won't hire Me unless I have a mesh body. They claim customers prefer it, but I call bullshit. The differences are so minute they're barely noticeable, especially if you're wearing a high quality skin.

But I finally had to bite the bullet and invest in a mesh body if I want to get jobs. I've discovered a whole new set of reasons to hate mesh. Mesh clothes made for classic avatar bodies don't necessarily work with mesh bodies. And what fits one mesh body doesn't fit them all. Even if you buy clothes that are advertised as working with the mesh body you own, that's no guarantee they'll actually fit. None of My favorite clothes fit anymore. So now I have to put together an entirely new wardrobe. Which wouldn't be a problem if I didn't have to spend triple the amount of time doing it.

This is Me giving whoever it was at Linden Labs that thought mesh was a good idea the finger. Fuck you. Die in a fire.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Binging on Bollywood

I'm on a Bollywood binge this weekend. I first discovered Bollywood movies a couple of years ago when I happened across Bride and Prejudice on one of the satellite channels. This is a modernized retelling of one of My favorite Jane Austen novels. I was instantly a fan. I particularly enjoyed Aishwarya Rai, who plays the Elizabeth Bennet character.

So I started looking for other Aishwarya Rai movies. I'm particularly fond of the period pieces such as Jodhaa Akbar. Here are trailers for a few of My favorites (so far).

I've also been watching Season 1 of Quantico, starring Priyanka Chopra.

I've enjoyed it quite a bit and I'm excited for Season 2. So now I'm hunting for English-subtitled versions of Priyanka's Bollywood movies.

I'm also open to recommendations for other Bollywood movies I should watch. If anyone has suggestions, let Me know in the comments.

👨‍🍳 I Love A Man Who Cooks

I just finished a late lunch with My new boy toy. Ladies, get you a Puerto Rican man who can cook . You won't regret it. 🤤 Subs send t...